Sunday, May 15, 2005
Carnival of the Capitalists
This week's Carnival of the Capitalists is going to be a great one, judging by the submissions. Sadly, due to personal reasons and finals I haven't been updating my site all that often. This is going to be the kick start that I need. But enough about me, this is about the wonderful business minded individuals all throughout the blogosphere. They've worked hard and should be proud of their work, go ahead and visit them. You'll be glad you did.
James Archer at Strange Brand has an insigtful post on the different types of leadership. No longer is it about who leads and who follows.
Joseph DePalma at Joseph's Marketing Blog writes about the importance of customer retention. Impressive figures to suggest that, conservatively speaking, a 5% increase in retention could translate into 20% increased profits. Tie Up Your Customers.
Indiblog of 2004 winner Gautam Ghosh at Gautam Ghosh on Management explains what has influenced his philosophy on knowledge and learning. Or, as the title says, Defining Knowledge as Competence.
Joseph Weisenthal at The Stalwart explores how the growing market for camera phones will affect the digital camera market. The Digital Camera Market and Kodak.
Blue at DSS Hubris presents Outsourcing and National Security
Jeff Cornwall at The Entrepreneurial Mind writes on the state of the modern entertainment industry and its marketing techniques. New Age in Music, Media and Entertainment
Jim Logan over at JSLogan asks if you'd rather have great marketing or a great product.
Shamalama has a post at Common Folk Using Common Sense discusses Social Security in simple terms. Check it out here.
Skip Angel, who always seems to have Random Thoughts from a CTO writes on how a leader can influence an organization through their words and actions.
Josh Cohen asks if there's any use in advertizing to a demographic you already hold. Josh takes a look at some of the marketing strategies used.
Jonathan Dingel, who writes at Exploit the Worker, evaluates the merits of CAFTA. His conclusion is that those who support free trade ought to oppose the agreement.
Barry Welford at The Other Bloke's Blog presents Business Blogging Brings Internet Visibility
Pamela at Atlas Shrugged presents Confessions of an ex-Diehard Liberal New Yorker
Ironman at Political Calculations asks: What to do in the interview from Hell?
Dan Morgan at NoSpeedBumps presents Major Reforms: RSA+HSA+EFT
Sandeep Srinivasa over at DAturn ponders the importance of the exchange rate and what can countries do to deal with disasters dependent on this factor.
Tim Worstall explains the minimum wage
Michael Higgins at Chocolate and Gold Coins writes about leveraging charity. He describes how to use charity to move the government out of public spending.
Barry Ritholtz at The Big Picture explains how the RIAA uses faulty mathematics to exaggerate the harm of P2P networks.
Rob at Business Pundit asks "what is the purpose of business" and looks at the way Peter Drucker would answer the question
Jill Fallon at Estate Legacy Vaults writes that in an era of networked marketing, businesses must prepare for asymetrical warfare.
Ankesh Kothari at Marketing eYe gives some great advice, from an unlikely source.
VoluntaryXChange has a post one what effect the Wendy's fiasco will have on Annie Ayala (the finger in the chili woman).
Michael Kantor at Half Sigma doubts the assumption that stocks out perform Social Security
Patri Friedman at Catallarchy helps tie together risk, selection bias, poker, and mutual fund investing.
Wayne Hurlbert of Blog Business World writes about the importance of keyword density when it comes to search engine optimization.
Joe Kristan over at Roth & Company Tax Update has a post about how a tax protester comes across disasterous results, in a post titled Futureman Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion.
Martin Lindeskog at EGO takes a look at Kodak, Hasseblad, and other players on the market.
Anita Campbell at Small Business Trends writes about how the economy is slowing down and small businesses are less optimistic.
Mike Pechar, who writes at Interested-Participant looks in depth at disaster aid mismanegement and fraud.
Mr. Parx at Midget Monkey Pirate Clown presents Midget Monkey Pirate Clown in a battle of wits with the NYT (great read, absurd name).
Gordon Smith of The Conglomerate comments on Carl Icahn's victory in obtaining a seat on the Blockbuster Board of Directors and muses on the meme of hedge funds taking up the torch of replacing inefficient management from the LBO firms of the 1980s. You can find it here.
McGehee writes about the impact of Barnes and Noble on locally owned bookstores.
Mad Anthony looks at why he thinks gas prices are much more price-inelastic than many people think.
Mike Landfair of Mover Mike writes about a cheap new energy source, Pebble Bed Modular Reactors.
Stever Conover at The Skeptical Optimist asks how we should assess past presidents' influence on our nation's economic growth.
John Dmohowski, who writes at Drakeview, posted the importance of venture financing, technical and scientific talent, and a history of entrepreneurship to Israeli GDP growth.
Warren Meyer of Coyote Blog questions if he's working for himself, or for some government entity.
Brian Gongol posts that too much "sustainability" can hurt the environment.
Peter Caputa, at PC4Media, looks at how the web is intermediating the ad and media industries. Read more here. And try to look below the banner. I know it's hard, but I was able to. :)
Will Pate writes about how Skype is destroying other IM networks.
Well, that's it for this week. It's been fun, and not quite as time consuming as I thought it would be. I'd like to thank everyone who's submitted this week, and remind you all that next week's Carnival will be held over at Ideologic LLC. And if you're not a regular here (which won't be too much of a surprise, you can tell me you've never heard of me), drop by from time to time. I know it's been a while, but hosting the Carnival has been great medicine. And now I have some free time, so I can fit more posting.
James Archer at Strange Brand has an insigtful post on the different types of leadership. No longer is it about who leads and who follows.
Joseph DePalma at Joseph's Marketing Blog writes about the importance of customer retention. Impressive figures to suggest that, conservatively speaking, a 5% increase in retention could translate into 20% increased profits. Tie Up Your Customers.
Indiblog of 2004 winner Gautam Ghosh at Gautam Ghosh on Management explains what has influenced his philosophy on knowledge and learning. Or, as the title says, Defining Knowledge as Competence.
Joseph Weisenthal at The Stalwart explores how the growing market for camera phones will affect the digital camera market. The Digital Camera Market and Kodak.
Blue at DSS Hubris presents Outsourcing and National Security
Jeff Cornwall at The Entrepreneurial Mind writes on the state of the modern entertainment industry and its marketing techniques. New Age in Music, Media and Entertainment
Jim Logan over at JSLogan asks if you'd rather have great marketing or a great product.
Shamalama has a post at Common Folk Using Common Sense discusses Social Security in simple terms. Check it out here.
Skip Angel, who always seems to have Random Thoughts from a CTO writes on how a leader can influence an organization through their words and actions.
Josh Cohen asks if there's any use in advertizing to a demographic you already hold. Josh takes a look at some of the marketing strategies used.
Jonathan Dingel, who writes at Exploit the Worker, evaluates the merits of CAFTA. His conclusion is that those who support free trade ought to oppose the agreement.
Barry Welford at The Other Bloke's Blog presents Business Blogging Brings Internet Visibility
Pamela at Atlas Shrugged presents Confessions of an ex-Diehard Liberal New Yorker
Ironman at Political Calculations asks: What to do in the interview from Hell?
Dan Morgan at NoSpeedBumps presents Major Reforms: RSA+HSA+EFT
Sandeep Srinivasa over at DAturn ponders the importance of the exchange rate and what can countries do to deal with disasters dependent on this factor.
Tim Worstall explains the minimum wage
Michael Higgins at Chocolate and Gold Coins writes about leveraging charity. He describes how to use charity to move the government out of public spending.
Barry Ritholtz at The Big Picture explains how the RIAA uses faulty mathematics to exaggerate the harm of P2P networks.
Rob at Business Pundit asks "what is the purpose of business" and looks at the way Peter Drucker would answer the question
Jill Fallon at Estate Legacy Vaults writes that in an era of networked marketing, businesses must prepare for asymetrical warfare.
Ankesh Kothari at Marketing eYe gives some great advice, from an unlikely source.
VoluntaryXChange has a post one what effect the Wendy's fiasco will have on Annie Ayala (the finger in the chili woman).
Michael Kantor at Half Sigma doubts the assumption that stocks out perform Social Security
Patri Friedman at Catallarchy helps tie together risk, selection bias, poker, and mutual fund investing.
Wayne Hurlbert of Blog Business World writes about the importance of keyword density when it comes to search engine optimization.
Joe Kristan over at Roth & Company Tax Update has a post about how a tax protester comes across disasterous results, in a post titled Futureman Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion.
Martin Lindeskog at EGO takes a look at Kodak, Hasseblad, and other players on the market.
Anita Campbell at Small Business Trends writes about how the economy is slowing down and small businesses are less optimistic.
Mike Pechar, who writes at Interested-Participant looks in depth at disaster aid mismanegement and fraud.
Mr. Parx at Midget Monkey Pirate Clown presents Midget Monkey Pirate Clown in a battle of wits with the NYT (great read, absurd name).
Gordon Smith of The Conglomerate comments on Carl Icahn's victory in obtaining a seat on the Blockbuster Board of Directors and muses on the meme of hedge funds taking up the torch of replacing inefficient management from the LBO firms of the 1980s. You can find it here.
McGehee writes about the impact of Barnes and Noble on locally owned bookstores.
Mad Anthony looks at why he thinks gas prices are much more price-inelastic than many people think.
Mike Landfair of Mover Mike writes about a cheap new energy source, Pebble Bed Modular Reactors.
Stever Conover at The Skeptical Optimist asks how we should assess past presidents' influence on our nation's economic growth.
John Dmohowski, who writes at Drakeview, posted the importance of venture financing, technical and scientific talent, and a history of entrepreneurship to Israeli GDP growth.
Warren Meyer of Coyote Blog questions if he's working for himself, or for some government entity.
Brian Gongol posts that too much "sustainability" can hurt the environment.
Peter Caputa, at PC4Media, looks at how the web is intermediating the ad and media industries. Read more here. And try to look below the banner. I know it's hard, but I was able to. :)
Will Pate writes about how Skype is destroying other IM networks.
Well, that's it for this week. It's been fun, and not quite as time consuming as I thought it would be. I'd like to thank everyone who's submitted this week, and remind you all that next week's Carnival will be held over at Ideologic LLC. And if you're not a regular here (which won't be too much of a surprise, you can tell me you've never heard of me), drop by from time to time. I know it's been a while, but hosting the Carnival has been great medicine. And now I have some free time, so I can fit more posting.