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Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Techno ratis

The Technorati Grand Slam. A beautiful thing, really. Do it twice in one day (mid afternoon and late afternoon, though probably morning and afternoon would work better) and get a guaranteed 100 extra hits to your site. A Technorati grand slam is, of course, what I do every now and then. Gather links to the most searched keywords on Technorati for a certain hour, and then link to them at the bottom of my blog post. Is it unethical? It sure feels like I'm more just stretching ethics already in place. More hits is more visibility. More visibility means a higher Alexa and Technorati Ranking. And I feel that I'm working for my advertisers (ethical, of course), which means that not only am I doing for myself, I'm doing for them.
/>Unfortunately, it isn't paying off. Yes, my ad placement isn't the best (they should be on the left hand side, not on the right. Top of the page is best), so that's probably a part of it. Who knows. I'll save room for advertising later.
/>But back to Technorati tags. Though they're easily manipulated, and a great tool, I haven't seen much of it going on. Perhaps there are really too many honest bloggers out there, I obviously can't say. Some one commented a couple of weeks on this site saying in effect, "You'll get more hits, as well as returning visitors if you write about the number one most searched for topic/keyword". He was right, I wrote about Hurrican Wilma later that day, it being the most searched topic, and got maybe 150-200 hits off of it. And they kept coming back every few days to check my updates. Or to make fun of me. Dunno. So it does pay to write about a popular topic rather than use the Technorati Grand Slam. Takes about the same amount of time, also, unless you're using
Flock . Flock makes tagging a little bit too easy. So do the right thing, it has a higher payoff (be it visibility or advertising). But I still don't know what to make say about Mr. Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court, though I've written off politics as a viable topic for the time being.

Technorati tags:
Alito, Samuel Alito, Supreme Court, Technorati, Alexa, Flock, Advertising, Ads, Grand Slam


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